K-Score Health Risk Assessment.

Prevention Through Early Detection.

Klarity’s AI-driven assessment identifies potential health issues early, enabling timely interventions and preventive measures against chronic diseases

Who are we?

Klarity stands as a pioneering digital health-tech enterprise based in the UK. Our core focus is on empowering individuals to proactively manage their well-being and cultivate a healthy lifestyle, all facilitated by the insightful analysis of data, an array of digital health services, and personalized recommendations.

Central to our offerings is our flagship product: an innovative chronic disease prediction engine, fortified by explainable AI. This state-of-the-art technology is complemented by a comprehensive health resource library, equipping individuals with the tools and knowledge to embark on a journey of self-improvement.

Our driving mission is rooted in prevention through early detection. By harnessing the power of advanced technology and data-driven insights, we're committed to fostering a culture of proactive health management for a brighter and healthier future.

Welcome to Klarity – where empowerment meets innovation in the pursuit of better health.

How It Works

Validate your email address.

Enter essential personal details and select your preferred level of Chronic Disease or Cancer Screening: Basic or Premium.

Complete the questionnaire, typically within a 5-10 minute timeframe.

Your responses will generate a highly accurate risk analysis for the most prevalent chronic diseases or most common types of cancer, including prostate, cervical, lung, bowel, skin, and breast cancer.

Contact Klarity to arrange your screening test.


Klarity’s Chronic Disease Screening Programme


You will go through a number of questions about your current lifestyle and health, this normally takes no more than 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

Based on your answers we are able to produce a highly accurate analysis for your risk of the most prevalent chronic diseases.

Klarity’s Chronic Disease Screening Programme


In addition to the questionnaire and results letter (see BASIC) you will receive Klarity’s Personalised Chronic Disease Prevention Health Plan.

This is a personalised four-part guide to diet, exersice, sleep and mindfulness with the aim of achieving a healthier lifestyle.

The content of this guide has been based on the results from Klarity’s Chronic Disease Screening Programme.

Klarity’s Cancer Screening Programme


You will go through a number of questions about your current lifestyle and health, this normally takes no more than 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

Based on your answers we are able to produce a highly accurate analysis for your risk of prostate, cervical, lung, bowel, skin and breast cancer.

Klarity’s Cancer Screening Programme


In addition to the questionnaire and results letter (see BASIC) you will receive Klarity’s Personalised Cancer Prevention Health Plan.

This is a personalised four-part guide to diet, exersice, sleep and mindfulness with the aim to prevent cancer holistically.

The content of this guide has been based on the results from Klarity’s Cancer Screening Programme.


Chronic disease questionnaire

Our K-Score service empowers you with a 5-minute questionnaire to assess your risk of the eight most prevalent chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart attack. Receive personalized risk predictions (low, medium, high), gain insights into key risk factors, and get actionable recommendations to enhance your well-being. Plus, we offer screening test suggestions to ensure your peace of mind. Take control of your health today.

Cancer questionnaire

Introducing our K-Score for Cancer – a swift, 5-minute questionnaire designed to predict your risk for the six most common types of cancer. Receive personalized risk assessments (low, medium, high), gain insights into cancer risk factors, aquire screening test suggestions, and receive actionable recommendations to safeguard your health. Take control of your cancer risk today


Early Detection & Prevention:

AI-driven assessment identifies potential health issues early, enabling timely interventions and preventive measures against chronic diseases.

Personalized Insights:

Gain insights from your health data and lifestyle choices, understanding how they impact your well being and receiving guidance on areas needing attention

Tailored Recommendations:

AI generates personalized lifestyle suggestions based on your risk factors, promoting adjustments that can significantly lower chronic disease risk.

Informed Decision-Making:

Analysis of diverse data points offers a holistic view, empowering informed decisions for your health and overall wellness.

Motivation & Accountability:

Personalized risk insights and recommendations motivate proactive steps, aided by continuous tracking and monitoring for sustained progress.

Holistic Understanding:

Assessments consider various risk factors holistically, providing a comprehensive health profile to target areas for improvement.

Empowerment & Control:

Understand health risks and manage them with guidance, fostering a sense of control for healthier lifestyle choices.

Sustainable Wellness:

AI assessment forms the basis for long-term health management, aiding in cultivating enduring habits for reduced chronic disease risk.

Contact Details

Address: Alum House 5 Alum Chine Road Westbourne Bournemouth BH4 8DT

Hot line: +44 20 3239 9818

Email: hello@getklarity.io

Website: www.klarity.health

Address: 4 Street 203, 5th floor Degla, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt

Hotline: +2 02 3304 4664

Mobile: +20 12 2235 2235

Email: info@hadbrok.com

Website: www.hadbrok.com